Abstract While surfing on the internet I found a picture of a plane crashed into the ocean and there was one guy who took selfie despite of not caring the situation that is happening around him. I thought it in my mind this selfie thing is really going beyond its limits. So, I decided to write a research paper for selfie which includes why people take selfie, what drives the people crazy and why it is so popular these days. In this research paper I would be discussing about how selfie could psychologically effects our behavior and also included some tips for preventing the negative impacts of selfie. Introduction As the human race develops there are many new psychological effects that make a new kind of activities according to our imagination, needs and wants. I would be emphasizing on the topic of “selfie” which is one of the psychological outcome. It is stunning to know that the word was first used by an Australian young drunk on 2002 to describe self-portrait which means the word was invented just decades ago [ CITATION Aus13 l 1033 ]. This word is so popular that oxford dictionary legally adapted the word and define it as “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media”[ CITATION Oxf13 l 1033 ]. As far as we know selfie was started and recognized from as early as in 1839 where an amateur chemist Robert Cornelius took his own picture with the gigantic camera of previous era [ CITATION Kar14 l 1033 ]. But nowadays, we could always see youths on social media posting their own pictures according to their activities and they assume it “Kool” and it is really gorgeous but there are always negative impacts on these developing events. Well guess what, American Psychiatric Association (APA) stated taking ‘Selfies’ as a mental disorder. Basing on this article it gives me an idea to write a research paper of how selfies could psychologically affect the human minds by products that promoting selfie, psychological outcomes and implementation for preventing from selfie negative impacts. An article on Adweek.com describes about how the David Ortiz the brand ambassador of Samsung took selfie with the president Barrack Obama to advertise selfie. [ CITATION Gar14 l 1033 ] said “Unbeknownst to the leader of the free world, Samsung brand ambassador David Ortiz hooked the president into a selfie using his Samsung phone during a team visit to the White House on Tuesday. Ortiz, known as Big Papi, then tweeted his presidential selfie, and Samsung picked it up for use in its social marketing activities”. These activities seem really kool but if we take it deeper this advertise not only the product but selfie to the generations which is a bad thing. Sequence of these may lead to the topic where discussion is made about psychological outcomes toward taking selfie. The negative impact are stated by [ CITATION Ale13 l 1033 ] in Time magazine, she said “Even apart from situations where selfies can inform emotional or behavioral problems, for example, the material that children and adolescents view online - selfies included - can be influential in molding their sense of self”. When considering of preventing the unnecessary stress of Selfie, we need to learn about dos and don’ts on selfie which modernized theories could prevent the people from suffering the emotional disease. To know more about the effects of taking selfie, read the following which could persuade and consider the reader on addictive selfie could lead to something unexpected and unwanted negative outcomes. The authoe hope this research could somehow effect reader’s opinions toward selfie which everyone think it’s not a harmful thing to practice but it is just like a wolf in sheep skin, where it could literally effect your emotion and brings depression. Body As Author have describe in the introduction, the body part would include subtopics of 1. Things promoting selfie 2. Psychological outcomes toward taking selfie 3. Implementation on preventing depression