
The Meaning of Happiness

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Happiness has many different definitions for many different people, and happiness changes under certain circumstances. For many people happiness could be having money and power, meanwhile for another person happiness could be being healthy and having certain things in their life in good position. Many characters in different books have different ideas of happiness, or different things that they could’ve had that would’ve made them “happy”. Hamlet’s definition of happy would most likely be a huge difference from the definition of happiness for a couple of players on the game Survivor. My definition would differ from the idea’s of happiness compared to both Hamlet and a couple of players on Survivor. Happiness is a momentary thing and is never a long term ideal. Most people strive to be happy, most people achieve their happiness and some might go “?mad?” in the search for happiness or doing certain things that can lead to their happiness. Hamlet is a very intelligent man. Hamlet in a sense went a bit “?mad?” it is arguable that he never saw his father and that he was just crazy and imagined the encounter entirely. If he did imagine it all, it was his conscience trying to make him feel comfortable, therefore trying to make him feel happy. I believe Hamlet would have felt happy if he had a normal family like everyone else and if his mother had not betrayed or turned a new leaf so quickly. He wanted to avenge his father because the idea of him resting peacefully made him feel happy. If his mother would have not forgotten the death of his father so quickly and not claim to love another man, which was Hamlet’s uncle, maybe Hamlet would’ve been happier. His idea of happiness was to have a normal family and not having to avenge his father, Hamlet wouldn’t be happy until he ?knew his father could rest in peace. His ideal of happiness was more towards a negative side, and with this negativity came out his positivity. In

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