
Abortion from a Christian Perspective

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Abortion is when a growing fetus is removed from the womb. There are two different types of abortion, procured abortion, which is when the fetus is deliberately killed, and natural abortion, which is often known as a miscarriage, when the mother naturally loses the fetus through no fault of her own. When the mother chooses to have a procured abortion, she is given general anesthetic and the neck of the womb is opened. A suction apparatus is used to remove the fetus tissue. Abortion was only made legal in 1967. Before that, women would have "back-street abortions" performed by unqualified doctors in very questionable premises. The law says that an abortion must be performed within 24 weeks of conception of the fetus, unless certain circumstances apply. According to the law in the U.K., “two doctors must agree that termination of the pregnancy is necessary.” There are a few circumstances that will allow a termination at any time for example, if giving birth would be a risk to the life of the mother or risk that the child were born with physical or mental abnormalities, amongst other reasons. The bible teaches us that abortion is wrong. Although it never actually says that, it does give a very distinct impression on abortion. “You formed me in the womb when I was growing there in secret" (Psalm 139). This tells us that God knew and loved us before we were born, meaning that if a fetus was aborted at any time during the pregnancy it would still be killing one of God’s children. “You created every part of me; you put me together in my mothers womb. When I was growing there in secret, you knew that I was there, you saw me before I was born.” God created every one of us as individuals and to abort one of his creations would be murder. According to the bible, a fetus is a human being and killing a human being is murder. The Christian churches have slightly varied views on abortion, however, they all believe abortion is wrong. So

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