
The Problem of Cyberbullying

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Abstract This paper will talk about cyberbullying and how it has become a serious problem for kids of all ages. Social media has grown and is such a way of live for kids from grade school to high school and has enabled classroom bullying to go into the home lives of the students through the means of social media. Cyberbullying has been a hot topic in the media recently and some cases have ended deadly. This paper will discuss what cyberbullying is, who it affects, and what we can do to help stop/prevent it. Introduction Bullying has been a problem for as long as most of us can remember, but as technology advances bullying has taken on a new avenue which is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology (What is Cyberbullying?, n.d.). Electronic technology includes text messages, social media sites, chat rooms, and websites. Cyberbullying often involves harmful and cruel threats, humiliation, stalking, and harassment. Cyberbullying is something that is not going away and is only becoming more popular amongst school aged children. There is a lot of talk in the media about cyberbullying these days and that will only increase due to the advances in technology. Mostly everybody has experienced or witnessed bullying at some point in their lives. In a 2010 survey of 4,441 students between the ages of 10 and 18 in 37 different schools showed that 20.8 percent had experienced cyberbullying in their lifetime (Reynolds, G.). Cyberbullying happens to young people and when an adult is involved it is usually referred to as cyber harassment or cyberstalking. Bullying used to mostly happen in the classroom and kids used to be able to escape it by getting to go home but that doesn’t seem to be the case now days. Bullying has gone from the classroom into a Childs’ life due to the advances of technology. Mostly all kids that are grade school are on some type of social media site and also have a cell phone. Mobile devices are an integral part of kids’ life especially for tweens and teens ages 12-17 According to the Pew Research Centers Teen and Technology 2013 report: 78% of teens have a cell phone, 37% of teens have a smartphone, 23% of teens have a tablet computer, and 1 in 4 teens access the Internet primarily through their cell phone (Mobile Devices, 2014)”. This technology is just giving the kids another avenue to use to bully others. Who Bullies? Cyberbullying happens for many different reasons and most of the reasons are the same as bullying. The advantage to cyberbullying for a bully is that it can be done anonymously. The two common types of kids that are bullies are popular kids and kids that have less self-esteem and can be boys or girls. Usually bullies behavior usually stems from their own problems whether they are at home or at school. Bullies put others down to make themselves feel more interesting and powerful. Some bullies have been bullied prior and it may not have been from another peer but from a parent or family member (Lyness, D., 2013). How are victims affected? Cyberbullying is more hurtful to someone than just bullying and does a lot more damage on the inside than on the outside. Cyberbullying can harm a victim mentally and have a long lasting effect on the victim. When bullying hap

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