?Q- ‘PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE UP THEIR CARS TO SAVE THE EARTH.’ DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT? Our earth is believed to be the only beautiful planet in this universe. In fact, it is the only planet where life in various forms exists in harmony. However, as centuries have passed our mother earth has been drowning in the layer of pollution for which we humans are responsible. From the arenas of water pollution to air pollution, we humans have played a significant role in the deterioration of earth. With the advancement in technology and other fields I believe that we can contribute in saving our earth from drowning in our own actions. I believe that today’s world can come up with various creative methods to take in the responsibility of the safety of earth, our home planet. Keeping in mind the technological advancements and the large scale of human population, alternative methods can be used to protect this vast ball of life. Hence, the idea that people should give up their cars to save the earth sounds rather illogical and unrealistic. If it is to be believed that cars are to be given up, then the economic crisis should also be a major concern for the general public. It is an undeniable fact that our money is tied up with the booming business of the cars. There are several industries, manufacturers, retail businesses and agents who earn and flourish in the world of cars. If people are forced to give up their cars then it is certain that the businesses lose customers and incur a massive loss. This downfall would bring down the GDP of the countries and thus the economical status would no longer be at the peak. In all the years that the country has been working in automobile fields would then be a waste of time and money. We should save the earth but not in a way that would admonish the career of thousands and billions of workers and entrepreneurs. Besides the economic crisis, comfort and safety is also another aspect that could suffer