Introduction In this case study we come across a long standing a Student Association at a Canadian University which had been plagued with scandals of stealing from the organization and their ineffective services. As a result some of the executives of the SA were fired. We will discuss this issue and what could have been done in order to avoid such a situation. Problems The executives of the Student Association were stealing money from the association. The SA wasn't performing up to the satisfaction of the students for a number of years. Despite being funded by the struggling students and the university on a regular basis, the association was providing vary little benefits proving to be an ineffective organization. Causes After analyzing the case we can state that two major characteristics of a successful organization were missing; which are Good corporate governance and Knowledge management. It appears that the executives took advantage of the good will of the organization which took 40 years to build. There wasn't any system in place to keep these members accountable for their actions. They were given salaries, benefits, and perks such as office space and laptops. The University trusted the SA and there election system without any interference. Symptoms The unethical behavior resulted in firing of many executives. But there were symptoms which should have been observed and investigated to avoid a total break down of the organization. Students, who are the main reason this organization exists, should be the judges of the associations performance. Student complaints about the ineffective service, the rigged election results, favouritism, the conflicts among the officials and student employees and volunteers are clear signs that the SA was in trouble. Alternatives There are many alternative ways the University could manage the SA to keep the executives accountable for their actions and promote a ethical and socially responsible envir