
Paying Students for Good Grades

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Many people find the idea of paying students to do well in school a good idea to be able to influence high34 grades. In many ways this could help a student have money, higher grades, avoid discipline, and maybe even get into college or better classes. This may help for a while, however once the student reaches a college status, or moves out of the parent’s house that could change very fast. A student that had been paid for grades in the past could possibly find his or her self not being able to find motivation to do well in college. The student could possibly go as far as not having any motivation to go to classes, or do well in cases that they could fail out of class, or worse out of the school. The parents of a child should try and find a better way to motivate a student in school, or the school should be able to find a better incentives for the students. In a report Corey Ballard said, “Incentives should be offered to students that do well on their test, along with their teachers; however the goal of teachers should not differ from education, and the goal of students should remain to be to learn.” To me this is a good example of how the school systems should be worked, and how everyone could benefit from a student and a teacher working harder towards a good education. Paying a student to do well in school could change the students’ main goal of going to school. The only goal of a student should be to go and get an education, and take in as much information that they can in order to take as much control of their future. Kristy Namuth said, “some parents may say my job is to go to work, and yours is to go to school, therefore when for each A on a report card you get $50, and for each B you will get $25.” This may not seem like much but an average student is in grade school for 12 years that will average 24 semesters. With an average of four classes each semester, a straight A student would make $4800 total. This does not t

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