In the movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,"f the character Harry Potter begins his first day at Hogwarts and finds that the school has a point system. Once all of the school children arrive at Hogwarts they are divided into four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The house that each child is assigned to is like their family while they are there. Harry Potter learns that any triumphs will earn him and his house points but any rule breaking will result in points being deducted. At the end of the year the house with the most accumulated points will be awarded the house cup. They learn about this at the sorting ceremony. Before the sorting of hats takes place though, there are announcements from Professor Dumbledore. He tells the children that the dark forest is off limits and forbidden and the caretaker Mr. Filch wants to remind the kids that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds. If the kids do not wish to die they will stay out of there or die a most painful death. Harry's friends Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger end up in the house of Gryffindor. It is Harry's turn to put the sorting hat on to find out what house he will be in and he prays hard that he does not have to be in the house of Slytherin (Heyman & Columbus (2001). Operant conditioning using reinforcement is described as organisms that “learn the association between a behavior and a consequence” (King, 2013). Because of operant conditioning, one is able to either increase behavior so that it is followed with a reward or decrease the behavior so it is followed by a punishment. In the scene described above, Harry not only is introduced to Hogwarts school for magic but finds out that the kids will be divided up into houses and that each person’s actions will either result in points given or taken away depending on their action. Harry prays hard that he doesn't get picked to be in the house of Slytherin and as a resul