I remember the crux of my writing skills occurred when I was compelled to abstain from practicing simple English in my essays. But how would I be taught to pen an English essay that is more enhanced and captivating? My answer dawned on me from the failures in my first essay in English 3. On that sad, wet Wednesday morning, I anxiously awaited my grade. But this time I distinctively recall I didn’t receive a number, but instead, it was a statement directed to all of the students. Evidently the teacher deemed that the class struggled with the essay and she requested us to redress our papers. I could almost taste the failure as I progressed to open her edited version. My mind can’t suspend contemplating that the notice was alluding to me and how my writing was insufficient. After an aeon the word processing software eventually boots up only to reveal my essay screeching at me, scared in red. All at once, I felt as if a semi truck had rammed into me and my confidence had departed from me. “Are you illiterate?” I thought as I glared at the lines of errors besmirched in red. Instinctively my mind began its trek down that bleak path of desperation. I couldn’t help but discern that a lot of my errors were properly spelled words. My teacher made a miscue I presumed as I progressed to scroll through the paper. To my surprise, she had a directive at the end for me. “You need to fill this document with more information and I try to use different words to spice up your paper. I suggest you use a thesaurus and a dictionary.” A thesaurus? A dictionary? I always thought those books was counterproductive, only used by bookworms, but I was willing to give it shot. I opened the page and saw and an endless stream of words all with beginning of A. Taking her suggestion to heart, I opened up our smoky thesaurus and began my journey discovering new words. As I put in simple words I began to see it as a puzzle where I needed to find the right w