Community health promotion is a broad topic and a proactive approach that seeks to achieve the goal in improving health outcomes for ourselves and our peers. In community health promotion, studies have shown that community-based programs utilizing support, systems, volunteer work, and peer education benefits community members that are affected by health issues. The main focus of community health promotion is to educate people on how they can be a part of their treatment plan in a positive, effective way. Throughout this paper, I will discuss the benefits that support systems, volunteer work, and peer education have upon community health promotion as a whole. One of the first questions a woman may have after being diagnosed with the dreadful disease of breast cancer is, "What do I do now?". In the study by A. Cohen (2009), 117 women with an average age of 60 participated in a study made to understand the process of how patient care assistant programs for women affected with breast cancer are discovered and effectively meet the desired health needs. Consistently, women described community-based programs as a safe haven where they could count on support and encouragement, an environment that allowed them to voice whatever was on their minds (A. Cohen, 2009). Another study utilizing support systems through health promotion of breast cancer awareness had participants create art expressing their personal journeys and experiences, otherwise known as novellas, to promote the importance of early breast cancer detection (S. Herbison, 2008). Volunteer work is able to make a difference in the process of helping those in need. Volunteers can support the delivery of low-cost and sustainability of programs promoting chronic disease awareness to improve health at a community level (Karwalajtys et al., 2009). Some of the most important aspects of being a volunteer include: their experience of the program, willingness to take on responsibility, and gui