Throughout the story “A Rose for Emily,” there are many unanswered questions. Some questions are noticed rather early on in the story. An obvious question would be who is telling the story; who is the narrator? Another one might be did Emily’s father abuse her? Why did her father run off of her all interested male suitors? These are all good questions and can take the story in many different turns. The question that just will not leave my mind is how did Homer Barron get into that upstairs bedroom? In this paper I want to elaborate on that question as well as Homer’s fate, How did Homer get upstairs to the bedroom? Did Emily and Tobe, Emily’s hired hand, take Homer upstairs after Miss Emily killed him with arsenic that she had got from the pharmacy? Think about everything that would have needed to be done if this were the case. These two older people (one male, one female) would’ve had to carry Homer’s body upstairs which was no small task. Homer was a man’s man. The story says that Homer Barron was “a Yankee--a big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face.” (Faulkner, 4). Carrying his dead body upstairs would have been a big job for anyone. Once his body was upstairs then came the job getting the body into the bed after undressing and redressing the body. The story tells us that Emily had gone into town to purchase some items that lead the narrator to believe that Emily and Homer were going to be married, “We learned that Miss Emily had been to the jeweler's and ordered a man's toilet set in silver, with the letters H. B. on each piece. Two days later we learned that she had bought a complete outfit of men's clothing, including a nightshirt,.” (Faulkner, 5). Another possibility is that Homer and Emily had been having sex and he was in the room on his own accord. This would mean that Homer and Emily had been having sex on more than one occasion. To me, I think that Emily had