
The Giver - Character Analysis

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In the "The Giver," we can instantly tell that Jonas is the protagonist. The story revolves around him as we follow his journey of becoming The Receiver. At first it may seem like Jonas is just like any regular boy and not very different from the other children at the community. That could not be further from the truth. Jonas has in fact something the others do not, the capacity to see beyond. Jonas is a mature and an intelligent young boy. He is not your ordinary 11-year old as he is very observant of everything that happens. In addition to that Jonas is also very cautious and precise in the way he expresses himself and always tries to pick out the most suitable words to say. “I feel a little sorry for him”, Jonas said, “even though I don’t even know him. I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid.” (The Giver, 18). I think this sentence describes very well who Jonas is as a person. He is very thoughtful and does not like the idea of him or anyone else feeling excluded or feeling like they do not fit in. “Perhaps Jonas will, because the current Receiver has told us that Jonas already has this quality. He calls it the capacity to see beyond” (The Giver, 85). With this sentence we are acknowledged with Jonas ability to see beyond. What started with seeing something strange in an apple to seeing a change in Fiona turned out to be some type of a talent or as they call it “the capacity to see beyond”. However, Jonas was very confused when he found out he was become the next Receiver. He does not like to be in the spotlight or get much attention because it makes him uncomfortable. Jonas sympathizes with others and can relate to them even if he has not necessarily experienced what they have experienced. It is very rare for an eleven-year old to think the way he does. When you are at that age you do not put much thought into the future but Jonas does. He actually worries a lot about what

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