Are you confused by why you get fat during winter? Are you trying to lose weight right now but nothing works? Do you always feel hungry? There are several reasons account for that extra helping of pasta, that greasy slice of pizza, or even that stale, sprinkled donut all appear extra tempting when the temperature drops a few degrees. Well, to start off, welcome to winter season! So the first question is, why do we get fat during winter? “Since the weather is getting colder and colder, most borders just choose to stay in their rooms and finish their replacement matches of league” said James Yuan, a Chinese junior who lives in day boys. “I tend to eat much more during winter, noodle time~” said Jun Qiu, taking out his ramen cooker while answering my question. The first lethal factor of the fact people tend to eat more is winter's dearth of sunlight. More importantly, it makes your lazy too. Especially in a place like pebble Beach, where the weather is always foggy and the sun is only visible at noon some days. “When it's dark, your body produces more of a hormone called melatonin, which is critical for moderating your body's internal clock. It's why we often find our feet dragging on gloomy winter days, and it's why you increasingly feel okay with getting to bed around 9 from December to March.” said a science expert who was doing a research on this topic. Another interesting fact is that fellows who participated in intense sports in fall term like Drew and me started to grow out fat during winter. Drew and I were in water polo team, and the workout everyday is insane. We swim thousands of meters and sometimes we have dry land exercises too. The moment when we stopped doing water polo and changed to sports such as weightlifting or rock climbing, the amount of calories we burn during workouts suddenly dropped tremendously, resulting in an increase of our body fat. Therefore, hatred started to grow from us toward Solomon, who