Yes, I do believe reality is all perception because our perception is how we view ourselves, how we view the world, how we interact with the world, how we interact with ourselves, and with each other. Not everyone has the same views because perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Everything around us went through a thought process before it came into reality. What you choose may be associated with your direction. Your choices are what you do, not necessarily what you think. You may think to yourself in one moment, “I am going to walk across this room and eat some food.” And what you may actually do is turn your attention to the person sitting beside you and engage in conversation. You are not doing what you thought, but you are doing what you desire, in association with your direction. So what you choose and do is based on where you are directed at. If you can change your perception, you will in turn, change your reality. What you see is what you get. This explains why the rich are getting richer the poor poorer. We create our own reality because everything is filtered through our own brain. We interpret all the stimuli and energy around us through that mechanism. Perception creates reality, and perception is what draws external information and experiences to ourselves. For example; happiness is when you think, deliberately, only of the things that bring joy. Perception has to believe that what is desired is achievable. Then the journey is happy. I choose to be positive and therefore see the good all around me. I am not saying that I am not aware of the pain and suffering, but I choose my focus. This serves me well because the more positive I become and think in life then the better the outcome. For example; if you believe and think you will do well on a test then you will do well on the test. I remember this one time years ago that I was dating this guy. I let him barrow my car