Technology day by day occupies our lives more and more. We cannot imagine even a single day without using any technology. People believe that technology makes their lives more convenient, and improving it has only positive sides. Inventing new gadgets and widgets or presenting a new iPhone or iPad makes society excited, so they start to buy more and more, not matter what it is worth. However, many people do not see the whole picture of what is happening around them. Technology, which is almost in every part of our daily life, starts to interfere in our private freedom and by that deprives us of one of the main human rights – the right to privacy. Do you see all the cameras that are set in everywhere? In the underground, in stores, in universities, in workplaces, and on streets? The main aim of setting these cameras is to monitor and to keep people under control. Each of our steps is now monitored by someone, and it does not matter by whom, whether it is police officer or just security guard in a store. The problem is that we cannot feel completely free. Of course, many would say that it is done for safety of the society and it has lots of positive sides, but the fact remains – somebody is always spying on us. The unfortunate fact is that these cameras are just a beginning of the dark future where all people are deprived of their personal freedom. As lots of scientist claim, new technology would be able to influence people both mentally and physically, which obviously would be used widely by any government. Governments, step by step, would implement technology not only to spy on and deprive us privacy, but also to control our minds and bodies. It is not justifiable, even if it is done in attempt to make society safer and better, to minimize personal freedom of any human by using new technology because progress should bring us to the true society where everybody has equal rights and nobody is superior to anybody, but not to a society with “fake” freedom. One of the possible scenarios of our future if government would continue to interfere in our privacy was showed very well in the dystopian story of the Kurt Vonnegut written in 1961. In his story he described the future society that eventually reached complete equality. All