
Disadvantages of Social Media

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The new sensation to hit the World Wide Web in the 21st century is social media uploading of videos, and everybody is doing it. It comes with the perks of those cute kitten videos, the privilege of uploading the best pictures making your life look as interesting as possible. It also allows you to omit things like that ugly mole on your nose that everybody has talked about since the 2nd grade, or perhaps you omit that you are an introvert who sits on the couch all day and browses the web. It allows you to create a world that only you alone, know what your real truth may truly be. Unfortunately, most people when thinking about the Internet never really take the time to think about all the horrible, gut wrenching things that come along with it. The Internet is a silent addiction and no one really pays attention to the addiction, everyone is on the internet for better or for worse. You see it every day as we live our daily lives. Society is strung out, co-dependent and people are hooked on the internet people are hooked like alcoholics or drug addicts. You can’t go a day without seeing someone walking with some type of device that can get the internet. The Internet is full of life threating, life altering and detrimental man-made choices that can affect an individual’s life in many ways, scaling from small to grand especially since anyone can access the internet anywhere from any electronic device that allows you to access the Word Wide Web. Three ways the Internet is harmful are, video game addiction, cyber bullying, and the lack of security. First off video Game addiction has a way of ruining one’s life in a similar way to using drugs and alcohol. Dr. Michael Fraser, From Weill Cornell Medical College says, “It affects the same pleasure centers in the brain that make people want to come back.” Meaning that you become addicted to the game and the faux style life you are living while playing that game. Video gaming allows a person to create a false world that is most likely way better than the life that the person is really living. The person probably believes he or she lives a worthless life, they probably have no friends and no real positive feelings about themselves. These are all signs of a person using a substance, Dr. Kimberly Young, a young Psychologist and founder of the Center for Online and Internet Addictions says, “If you look at alcoholism and Internet ad

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