The Juvenile Justice System itself isn't a bad thing, it is a very helpful resource to communities across the nation because it helps create a smaller problem. Who wants a nation ran by juvenile delinquents who were never helped like they should have been? The goal of this argument is to provide a means of understanding and open up a new realm of knowledge for those who haven’t been exposed to it yet. Now something that many disagree with that many delinquent acts do not require punishment they simply require redirection and correction. ( Is an interesting video that talks about how juveniles need help a lot more than punishment. When it comes to a juvenile being punished, a normal court would have to exhaust all community and treatment resources before that juvenile faces punishment. Juveniles are considered different than adults in terms of justice and the possibility of rehabilitation. There is long history of juveniles rights being unclear, or having more unfair treatment than any human should receive. “During the nineteenth century, the treatment of juveniles in the United States started to change. Social reformers began to create special facilities for troubled juveniles, especially in large cities. In New York City, the Society for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency established the New York House of Refuge to house juvenile delinquents in 1825. The Chicago Reform School opened in 1855,” ( In 1899, the first Juvenile Court of the United States opened up in Cook County, Illinois. The juvenile justice system faced a dead-beat period where they just stayed with what they had and did not progress, not being considerate of the actual fair treatment of juveniles or the fact that they do not fully understand what they do. Juveniles have always deserved a chance for rehabilitation, a person to guide them in doing what’s right. The juvenile justice system has lagged an exceptionally long time before it finally provided the proper due rights to juvenile delinquents involved in its system. In 1967, it finally provided way overdue due process rights because of a supreme court case that was won. “Beginning in 1967, with its decision in In re Gault,the U.S. Supreme Court extended many, but not all, of these due process rights to young people involved in juvenile court proceedings,” ( page 6). The biggest problem the juvenile system now faces is the current misperceived leniency of it. Many people end up frustrated becau