
Impact of Modern Technology

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Technology is defined by as, “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science,” (, 2014). Since its introduction, technology has constantly developed, bringing with it different changes in the society. The field of technology affects all aspects of human life. People are getting used to it and it is even unimaginable to live without in today’s current society. Technology affects the way things are done in the work place as well as people social life. On the contrary, there are those who believe that some technological machines such as television, computers and cell phones has not advanced technology but hindered it. Despite their opinions, Computers, Television, and Cell phones are a life source for people and play a major part in the advancement of society. Computers are one of the most important inventions ever. If computers had not been invented, technology would not be developed to its current state. In this fast moving generation computers are considered to be the greatest gift of science. Since the invention of computers, society has changed drastically. Computers have also made communications easier than ever. Today, email is beginning to replace the ordinary post office and telephone as a way to keep in touch. E-mail provides the best of both worlds; it is instantaneous and free. Before email, one would have to send a letter that would take days to arrive, or they would have to use the telephone, which would cost money if the call was long distance. Computer technology is so helpful, that it is even used to create newer, better computer equipment. Just think about how pervasive computers have become in society. In just a few short decades they appear to be everywhere: from our desktops, to our cars, to our coffee makers and our phones. Almost everything today is linked in some way to computers. People can gather data, learn about current events, or look up information on certain projects and research topics, just to name a few. “In the 21st century, 60 percent of all jobs in the nation will require skills in computer and network use,” (Guhlin, 2002). This means that any person who is not computer literate will be at a slight disadvantage. Technology can help prepare people for future employment opportunities. Another important component of the computer is the internet. The internet is a very powerful business tool. Businesses have recently discovered the art of finding helpful information for generating and exploiting a competitive advantage. On February 27, 2014 Susannah Fox and Lee Rain conducted a report on (How the Internet had woven itself into American Life) it was concluded that since 2000, seventy-one percent of Americans use the internet daily, (Rain,2014). The Internet is an easier, more cost effective way for businesses to gather insights on what the public wants, and to make profitable decisions regarding their product or service. The use of internet on computers also helps to advertise new Television sets and cell phones. Life was simple before television, talking and working was the daily norm. The average family would gather around and talk about daily activities. Information would only be available in newspapers before the inven

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