The United States has one of the world's most obese populations. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is a book that is made in order to help Americans maintain a healthier life style. The book breaks down the dos and don’ts of what we should be doing to live healthier. The following examples are tips to help people live a better lifestyle. Trans fatty acids are not essential in the diet. They are found in some foods and produced during food processing. According to studies, trans fatty acids are linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The cause of this is due to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol raising effect. Hydrogenation is the process, which produces fatty acids. Hydrogenation is used in companies to convert unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids. This helps make products at room temperature, such as butter. Another known conversion is partial hydrogenation, in which some, but not all of the unsaturated fatty acids are converted to saturated. In terms of the conversion, the binding configuration between the hydrogen is changed from cis to trans. This form of conversion is called synthetic or industrial trans fatty acids. They are used in margarines, snacks, and desserts as a form of replacement for saturated fatty acids. Another type of fatty acids is natural trans fatty acids, which are obtained from animals. Since 2006, synthetic trans fatty acids levels in the U.S. have decreased. In order to reduce natural trans fatty acids, consume fat-free and low-fat milk, lean meant and poultry. Do not eliminate natural trans fatty acids because it may have significant affect on your nutrition. If you are of legal age and are consuming alcohol, drink with caution. Alcohol should be consumed in appropriate amount per day. The amount of alcohol that should be consumed by women is 1 drink per day and for men, 2 drinks per day. Now you may be wondering, what is the amount of one drink? One drink is defined