
Time Traveling Adventures of King Richard III

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“Warning! De-freezing process Warning! De-freezing process” echoed the alarm. The chamber was blaring with bright red lights, people scattering around making sure the process is successful. The director of the National Science Division Adam Lundberg speaks with his colleagues, “Gentlemen, if we are successful today with will have revived King Richard the Third.” Lundberg continues, “We have been trying to perfect the correct sequence for reviving him and I believe we found it”. One of the colleagues speaks out, “But sir, how did Richard get frozen in the first place?” “That is a good question, before his great and what most people assumed to be last battle he actually went on an a journey to a land filled with ice. There he and his team fell into a cavern that was flooded and flash froze within minutes off flooding, the bodies were preserved perfectly and awaited a day like this to come.” Lundberg replied. Another colleague spoke out “I have a question too, how do we know he won’t just try to kill us all when he comes back?” Lundberg answers “That is also a great question, you see we have no idea how he will react to today’s world. He may not remember who he is or how to talk even, we just don’t know how being frozen for that long takes a toll on the body and mind." At this moment the alarm chimes back in. “Warning! De-freezing process complete Warning! De-freezing process complete, prepare for subject resubmission." The group of scientists gathered around the chamber and prepare for the scientific achievement of a life time. A few moments passed as the doors to this chamber still stood shut. A scientist ran up to the side of the chamber and kicked it briefly, a clunk sound came from the chamber then it began to slowly open. As the doors were opening all the scientists stood in amazement, King Richard was laying on the chamber floor shivering in the fetal position as if just being mortified by what process just occurred. The scientists cover Richard in a blanket and bring him to a chair to allow him to sit. Richard looks puzzled as he peers around the laboratory. For a moment the scientists all say their congratulations but it is interrupted by the sound of peeing coming from Richard in his chair, the scientists quickly rush him to the bathroom to allow for the release of his entrails. After they all finish cleaning up Richard and giving him proper dressing attire, Nike shoes, North face jacket, studded American eagle jeans and a crew neck they sit him down for questioning. Lundberg speaks to Richard, “Do you know who you are?” Richard still disorient

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