The book that I am going to introduce is called Sherlock Holmes short stories, the author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I am going to talk about the story which impressed me the most, and the story that I think is the most interesting. The name of the story is “The disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax”. The story starts in a usual way, Sherlock having conversation with Watson, his partner. But this time, Sherlock and Watson will be investigating another strange and tricky case, and that is the disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax. The plot start with the discovery of the disappearance of LDC, LDC is a unmarried woman, she is rich, she has a lot of diamonds and jewellery, she refuse to put it in the bank because she think it is unsafe to do so, she will always travel, and bring along her jewelleries and diamonds. The last place that she can still be found is Switzerland, in order to investigate this case, Sherlock Holmes decided to send Watson to Switzerland, due to the inconvenience of him. Watson and Holmes discovered LDC stayed in a missionary couple’s house, and the husband is actually vicious rascal from Australia and the wife is just his assistant. Holmes and Watson believe that LDC is still in London, or possibly dead. Then Holmes get someone follow the wife, they are manage to get the information of the wife talking to the undertaker, with the action of the woman, Holmes decided to go into their house, a huge coffin is found, but unfortunately, the body inside isn’t LDC’s, it is a old woman’s body. Few days later, just before the federal start, Holmes is able to solve the problem and safe LDC. Actually the place where she was hided is the lower part of the coffin and the reason that she was kidnapped is her jewelleries and her diamonds. This book is really worth reading, although the words here is not difficult, but there are some new terms or words that we cannot be found in English books, like opium (ch1),cataleps