
The Cost of Animal Testing

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Animal testing is not very effective to research. People need to learn that it’s very dangerous for us humans too. Also we are violation rights of the animals to be tested, when there are numerous other ways for testing than just animals. The other things we also need some animal testing because it has been valuable in the past. Animals have been apart of some medical testing, but it is not so much needed now with alternative research methods/testing. Animal testing is not very safe or sanitary. Animal testing is slow, expensive, and the animals its self is not predictable. Also there has been other ways of cosmetics to test than using animals. “Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration do not require animal safety testing for cosmetics. The category that includes skin cream, perfume, makeup and shampoo, animal tests are still used”. The testing is very unsafe and they’re numerous of other ways that we can test with better results than using animals. “The EPA, the FDA and the National Institutes of Health have established a program called “Tox21,” which applies 21st-century scientific tools to screen thousands of compounds for toxicity without new animal tests”. Also multination companies have embraced this alternative testing methods eliminating the use of animal test. Animal testing is cruel, and ineffective. The key to testing is adult cell research. Animal testing proved deadly penicillin, strychnine safe, and dangerous aspirin. 90 percent of approved medications for human tested use after animal testing came back ineffective or destructive to humans in clinical trial. The U.S. has spent billions to cure cancer by the use of mice, but has become unsuccessful. “The use of animals as models for the development of human medications and disease almost always fails, simply because humans and animals have different physiologies”. The way “The medical progress of the past century is the result of technology, pub

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