
The Ultimate Conspiracy

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If you do not believe that certain conspiracy theories are real and extremely important, you should. Some of the conspiracies that have taken place throughout history have shaped our world in extremely profound ways. Students who are studying history need to know this. Often conspiracy theories can make people uncomfortable and even threaten the powers that be when uncovered and put into the light. Perhaps that is why contributors to wealthy and powerful news giants like the "New York Times" are so quick to make statements like this one "Like kids who see the boogeymen in the dark, some adults search to blame shadowy figures..." David Baldicci's article "Is It Nonfiction disguised as a Novel?" This of course is ridiculous because it is a historical fact that Ninjas existed and conspiracies were carried out by their actions, and not only kids but adults might rightly have blamed them for the conspiracies they carried out. Some conspiracies are clearly false with little to no supporting evidence. However, it is simply a fact that certain conspiracy theories are true and correct. In fact at least one of them is central to all life on earth. The conspiracies which are real are often key points in understanding the course in which history has been steered. For example, The most important and easily proven real conspiracy which did take place without a reasonable doubt and which has shaped many other conspiracies in the last 2000 years boils down to a single event namely; the trial and death of Jesus Christ also known as “The Crucifixion.” It is so central in importance that even the time on all our clocks and the dates on our calendars still point to this very event. There is more evidence proving that the Jews conspired to torture and murder Jesus than there is about any historical event ever recorded. For example The Apostle Saint Paul wrote in 54AD, "The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us.

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