America was founded and developed on the idea of progress and change. This meant advancing many parts of their lifestyles; whether they be in farming, transportation or even expanding their land. The Westward migration has been and continues to be a distinct characteristic of America and its people. Many people from all over the world came to America to reap the new benefits it gave off. They brought more than their luggage to America; they brought their ideas and their money. The Germans came in an uproar. They built towns, farms, and even religious communities. They put their own kind of style on America. Unfortunately the Irish's landing wasn't so great. They were not prepared for their newly urban life. They worked hard labor as domestic servants and their death rate was rising very quickly. However, they eventually worked their up to white collar jobs and life became much better for them. These two ethnicities proved that people can come to America and have a good life as long as they worked for it. This nation was built off hard work and determination and it was very well portrayed in all of the new advancements they created. One of the most noteworthy inventions in the west was the railroad. This new transportation was much faster and much more reliable. It was cheaper to construct than canals and another added bonus was that it didn't freeze during the winter. Due to the creation of the railroad, opportunities surged meaning new towns and markets were being made around the railroads, constructions and manufacturing factories were also shooting up. With the needs of manufacturing the natural resources, immigrants from all over the world came to America to find jobs. Most immigrants came to America for personal desires. They started to look out west in search to achieve their dreams to achieve more land. Many immigrants soon realized that the advancement of their civilization was dependent on people willing to pack up their thin