Dear Chloe, How are you keeping? It’s been a while since I last saw you. How are you and your beautiful boys doing? They are growing up so fast I feel so old. I can’t believe how quickly they are growing up. I hope you are all keeping well. You will never believe how much things have changed from last year. It’s as if my whole world has fallen apart as Patrick has passed away. I loved Patrick so much! Every day when the clock struck ten minutes to five I got butterflies with excitement. He made me so excitement and I couldn't wait to see him every day. I always used to greet him as he came in the door with a kiss. No one knows how much we loved each other. I am devastated now that Patrick is gone. I don’t want to have the baby without him. It is going to be the most difficult thing ever looking after a baby now that I've killed Patrick. Before I murdered him he gave me some depressing news - he didn't love me anymore so therefore he was leaving me. This was the most depressing news ever. This sent me through the walls. I didn't see why he would say such a thing to me. It was as if he had no heart and I just couldn't keep my anger in. I went down stairs to the basement, opened the freezer door and grabbed the first thing I came across. I heard Patrick shout, “For goodness sake woman, I’m away out!” As I walked up the stairs I glanced over to see Patrick standing over by the window. I began to walk over towards him I felt leg of lamb slowly raising itself and telling me to bash Patrick around the back of the skull with it. He went tumbling down like a ton of bricks. I looked down at my husband’s motionless body there was no sign of life. When I saw that Patrick was dead I was appalled with myself. I didn't mean for him to die. I only wanted to hurt him the way he hurt me but I never wanted him to die. I loved him so much! He was the father of my baby. How could I have done such a thing? I wanted my baby to meet his father. After a couple of minutes I realized what a terrible thing I had done and that the baby was due a couple of months later – I covered up the murder. I covered up the murder because I wanted the baby to be safe. I didn't know if I would be killed after 10 months of falling pregnant wi