
Smithsonian Museum Visit

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For my museum visit, I choose to go to one of the smithsonian museums in Washington d.c. The museum i choose was the National Gallery of Art and I took a visit to this museum on June 3,2015. I choose this museum because I have never been to it before and because it had a gallery on the medieval time period. Preparing for this visit, I was expecting just your typical “art museum.” I was thinking there would be a few paintings on the wall and some sculptures here and there. To prepare for my visit, i read some reviews online to see if people who have previously visited had any recommendations on key points to visit in the museum. I also went directly to the museum's website to see if they had any special tours or activities going on that day. So when I actually arrived at the museum and seen how big it was and how many different exhibits and sections there was i was blown away. This museum does not have just one specific type of art or one specific time period of art it has so many different galleries and things to do. It was an overwhelming experience at first because there's so much to see. The first thing that really impressed me was how big of a variety the museum really had. They had everything from drawings,paintings and photographs to a complete sculpture garden. During the winter time, the museum also has an ice rink! The museum is so large it had an East building and west building, and you have the options of a guided tour, a self guided tour or an audio tour. This being my first time to the museum we decided to do the self tour and take our time seeing as much as possible. One thing that I read about that I decided was a must see on the trip was the sculpture garden. This part of the museum had great reviews and was labeled as a must see. When i arrived to the museum, i decided to just play it by ear and choose a direction to start. As i toured through the museum there was so many things on the walls and sculptures i thought it would be nearly impossible to see everything, The first large collection we came upon was American paintings collection. This was one of the smaller collections the museum has but was one of my favorites. It had more of a modern feel to it and I felt like the pictures had strong meanings behind them. As we continued through the museum, we visited most everyone of the collections and exhibits and they were all so different. During my tour of the museum,i was trying to keep in mind the different things i had to incorporate in my report but the museum itself was so big it overwhelms you and it's hard to remember everything you want to incorporate. When we finally got to the sculpture garden, we choose to do this last so that we could spend a good bit of time their and kinda wind down from our day. The sculpture garden was by far my favorite part of the museum. It had so many different types of sculptures and everything meant had such an important meaning behind them. Before we got to the sculpture garden, I was trying to picture what type of things we would see and little sculptures came to mind but nothing of what was actually their. The one sculpture that blew my mind was the giant spider sculpture. It was amazing at how large it was and how much meaning a simple spider could mean to someone. After spending nearly 2 hours in the sculpture we decided to call it a day and head home. this trip to the museum was definitely nothing what I had expected it to be. The only other art museum i have ever been to was a small gallery in my hometown. This museum definitely exceeded all my expectations and left me with an overwhelming itch to definitely go back and visit. The one thing that impressed me about this museum is how much art really played in our history of the world. Reading about it in books and seeing it in magazines has no significance until you can really see it in person. Essentially art was the beginning of everything. They used art to do everything, they communicated with it,learned with it, made money from it and essiac lty was the backbone of everything. Looking at at from the outside you think its just paintings but really it is so much more. Just the impression that art had on the world previously and the impression it still has on the world today and i believe that art will continue to put an impression on the future. Previous to this visit, i definitely didn't have a huge interest in art or really any idea on the significance of art. One thing i did learn from this trip is how important art really is. I learned that you really can't judge something before you learn more about it and that you should take the time to leap into something that you have little interest in. The art in this museum really showed me how the world evolved per say and where we started to where we are now. For example, the photographs i saw were just so simple compared to the the photographs we have today. Its amazing at how far technology has come and will continue to grow. As far a

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