
Major Leaders for Civil Rights

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Throughout history there have been many different problems in the U.S. However, the biggest over the decades has been racism and segregation. Racism and segregation were very prominent in the 1900s, but then there was the time when people began to stand up for themselves. There were many Civil Rights activists that helped end racism and segregation. There were many African American supporters but there were only some that were key people, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Jackie Robinson, and John F. Kennedy. They provided many reasons as to why segregation and racism should be eliminated, and they fortified the push for Civil Rights. Dr. King wrote a letter from jail that really helped fight for equal rights. Dr. King’s letter was as attempt to fight for civil rights by giving the negatives of segregation and racism. He described how those against equality would mistreat others. He said “I don’t believe you would have so warmly commended the police force if you had seen its angry violent dogs literally biting six unarmed, nonviolent negroes” (1232). He is the describing the brutality behind the fight against racism and segregation. He is telling how innocent people were being attack in order to get equality. Jackie Robinson was a big help in the fight for equality since he was a national icon. He was the first negro Major League Baseball player. So the things he said were really powerful in the communities. Jackie Robinson wrote a letter to JFK in order to voice his opinion on racism and segregation in the U.S. He voiced his opinion as speaking for the whole negro community - not just for just himself. He said, “Not for what we can get as individuals, but for the good of the Negro masses” (1). Robinson was giving reasons as to why they should fight for equality. He is basically saying that he isn’t here to talk about himself but every negro everywhere. John F. Kennedy was the president at this time and he also fought

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