
Sociology Paper - Inequality in America

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America, land of the free, home of the brave! That is what many Americans say about their country. That it is full of opportunities and that working hard one can achieve what is called the American Dream. The idea is by working hard every citizen of this great country has an equal chance in making a lot of money and living a happy life. People that live in America moved here from many different parts of the world. For many of them whom they are can predetermine what type of lifestyle they will have. Some might end up being rich while others are poor. A white educated male might have more opportunities than an African American educated male due to the color of the skin. This is an example of inequality. As defined in the Manza text, inequality is the unequal distribution of valued goods and opportunities (232). Chapter 9 portrays inequality through income and wealth. Income is defined as the receipt of money or goods over a particular accounting period (234). Wealth is defined as individual or family is the net value of all assets owned by an individual or family, including the value of their home (234). Inequalities of income and wealth are most commonly discussed because most people have a job or some type of income as well as an asset. 70 percent of Americans own the primary residence of where they live which is an asset (234). Wealth differentiates majorly between individuals and groups than income (234). As stated In the Manza text, top one percent of American households received approximately twenty-three percent of income in 2007. “Income and wealth are critical measure of inequalities”(235). Since 1917, researchers had the access to tax returns to use it as information about income in order to measure income inequality (240). “The higher the income share of the wealthiest 10 percent, the more inequality there is”(240). Technology plays a factor in inequality by replacing certain jobs while complementing others. (242). Sociologists called this the skill-biased technological change which means that technological advancements are creating jobs that require high skill, which usually means a college degree or more (242). Skill-biased technological change is causing increase in inequality (242). Technological innovations and the extent of schooling that expands to meet the needs of the technological development are the reason for growing inequality (242). Due to the creation of new technology, inequality has raised in the United States. Those who are engineer

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