Determine if the man is good or bad by nature is one of the oldest, controversial and interesting debates in history. In the seventeenth century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, said: “Man is evil by nature and life in our natural state , absent any strong government is nasty, brutal and short , it is a war of all against all" (1) One of the first thinkers who dared to refute the ideas of Hobbes, English was also John Locke; "The man is good, it is society that has corrupted him." (2) I pay some arguments in Locke 's position: Empathy is a very young and barely term in 1989 used in German language, Einfüblung word was first translated into English. The literal translation is feeling inside. That is, that empathy is the ability we have to put ourselves in the shoes of someone emotionally: “In psychology today, the word “empathy" is used in three different ways: know the feelings of another person, feel what that person feels and compassionately responding to the distress of another. These three variants of empathy seem to describe a 1-2-3 sequence: I see you, I feel you and then act to help” ( Goleman 88 ) Empathy is then a characteristic of human beings (not unique to our species ) to be taken into account in this debate. "Virtually from birth , when babies see or hear another baby crying in anguish , begin to mourn, as if they too were distressed. But rarely cry when they hear a recording of his own tears . After fourteen months of age , babies cry when they hear not only mourn another , but try , somehow , to alleviate the suffering of others" ( Goleman 84 ) But for different reasons , there are infants who have a harder job generating this quality depends largely on the environment in which they are developed; if you live near the violence probably your capacity for empathy will be lower, but this is another natural law of human beings; " We adapt to survive " ; in a rough neighborhood , you have to be rude. From my pers