Students should not be assigned homework for every class that they have because we have six classes a day and if you get homework from all of them that takes too much time away from things that we really like doing and things that we want to do, no one wants to do homework after coming home from school ,were already tired from going to school and doing class work so the first thing we want to do is go home, go to sleep,eat or go out with friends and do other things. Imagine going to school for 6 hours every day five days a week , theres 365 days in a year and we get assigned homework from each of our teacher, each teachers have different ways of how they want things to do done, doing homework is already stressful as it is. Plus doing homework takes time and as a student we don’t have that much time , we procrastinate a lot, we know we have homework to do and when we have time we won’t do it, we will be doing other things instead , plus doing homework is too much stress , homework takes at least an hour for each class to be done with, now multiply that by five other class that we have to do, how much does that equal six! sixs hours of doing homework after school and six’s hours of going to school every day that’s twelve hours spent on just school work and nothing else. Nobody has time for that! we dont want to spend all day doing homework and worrying about test and teachers projects and all that, we just want to go home sleep, eat some food, hang out with family do a little homework and relax, we cant do that if were getting homework for six different teachers every day. Another reason why teachers shouldn’t assigned homework is because doing homework is boring, going to school is already stressful as it is we don’t need more work to bring home just so we can be more stressful.It is a proven fact that homework doesn’t help students under high school age, and even then it pulls out creavity and free time and puts stre