Abstract Epistemology and the phenomenon of knowing how we know things has been a well-thought topic for a couple thousand years now. Some of the most brilliant minds to ever roam this planet have mustered some of the best theses about our coming to knowledge. Within this study of area, it has been argued whether we are even real or not, and whether our perceptions are actually caused by our experiences or if our perceptions are falsified altogether. In this paper I argue that we are real and that we are not being deceived by a Matrix-like entity or program. My thesis has three supporting points-those being: we are thinking beings; there is way too much specific complexity for a Matrix to be possible; and we would be able to do things like think ourselves to death if a Matrix was real. It examines the illogical thesis that such a world could exist. How We Know We Are Not Living in a Matrix It follows that we are able to know that we are real, we are not dreaming, and we are not living in a matrix. We know that we are not being deceived by some unknown “higher” source because we are thinking beings. Matrix-a very complex computer system with the capability to deceive its hosts and make an alternate reality. Humans, unlike other animals, have the distinct ability to contemplate situations and scenarios. As human beings we are not only able to introspect-the ability to examine one’s own mental or emotional processes, but we are capable of being aware of our awareness-metacognition. Let us suppose living in a simulated world was possible. It would not be possible for people to have introspection, let alone metacognition-we would merely be deceived by an entire reality that was really faked. Yes, we would undoubtedly believe that everything we sense, we too are actually experiencing. And yes, we would believe what we are sensing (the experience itself) to be real. However, we would not have the capability to then know that we are aware of the actions we are partaking in or even know that we are conscious of our being for that matter-our presence and being would just be. As human beings, our brains make it possible for us to be conscious of ourselves. Unlike man, man-made objects have no way of knowing they exist. Consciousness, most scientists would contend, is not a mutual property of all matter in the universe. Humans take consciousness to another level because they are self-aware. Consciousness is simply the ability to be aware of your being and the environment around you, as self-awareness is the ability of one to recognize that they are aware of their own consciousness. It follows to be very difficult to claim that a computer system would have the ability to make one self-aware. I argue that in a Matrix, one would not even be able to have consciousness for your thoughts and actions are all preprogrammed so things would just happen-you would not have a need to contemplate your own existence nor the existence of that which is