
The Sociological Imagination of Ali

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The discovery of one’s true inner-self is a complex journey that requires you to analyze behavioral components in order to uncover who one really is. I am Ali ________. Just a 19 year old girl born in small town Lebanon, Tennessee to two loving parents. No other siblings, just me, the one and only. Just because I am the “only” you can imply simplicity, boredom, disinterest, but the family that was before me, my ancestors, encompass a long line of authority, bravery, and strength. My family line can be traced back to King Henry VIII. Yes, that tyrant of a king who beheaded 6 women- that’s authority. Skipping forward hundreds of years I had grandfathers and uncles fighting for our country in World War II, Vietnam, and Korea. In return, receiving multiple medals and honors (even the purple heart) for their duties overseas- that’s bravery. Now today, as members of our family are getting older and passing on, as me and my parents learn to adapt to the changing world, and as we push through to achieve success not only in our lives, but within ourselves- that’s strength. In making up who one truly is, several influential factors become prominent. The influence of people we care about most, the approval we seek, the most important figures within our lives, the significant other. By description of the characteristics I would classify my parents as significant others within my life, but in everyones life there is that wild card; Charlie Ledbetter would be mine. In respect to my parents as a significant other, I would say they traced the outline of my inner being. Teaching me the concepts of life: how to be truthful, driven, respectful, confident, and humble. These qualities are important, but again, the generalized basics. It was now up to me to create my picture. I lived my life for so long in black and white, sticking to the concepts. Then, along came Charlie. Who knew someone other than yourself could give you an insight of who you truly are; that someone could take a black and white outlined girl and show her the beautiful colors that were inside of her all along. It was like all of the concepts taught to me by my parents were exemplified and brought to life in a new way. I realized that I was more than what I thought I was. I realized and truly believed I could do anything I set my mind to. This was the first time I received an insight of who I truly was. It was the first time the qualities of strength and honor were exemplified in my life giving me a strong sense of authority in self identification. Through the tracing of qualities from my parents to the abundance of color revealed to me by Charlie, the message of the only journey, is the one within. I learned that that we first have to answer for our existence to ourselves and will, therefore, be our own true pilot of our lives. Self-identity is how we survive in today’s society, but how do we learn to interact with other people? The concept of socialization is vital not only in society, but it is also essential in human development. The behavior that we classify as ‘human nature’ is actually learned by socializing. It is during socialization that we institute how to walk, talk, and even eat. It is

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