Coming to the Philippines from Korea to study was fraught with challenges. For the first time, I had to accept the new environment in the Philippines when I was 17. I had to deal with everything; I had to learn new languages, cultures and many other things. I went through a hard time getting used to it, because I had to be a good daughter for my parents and show them that I can do better. I wanted to make them happier about what I am aiming for my future. However, it was a hard experience to live all by myself. Even though, I was under the guardian’s protection, I had homesick and I could not understand and get used to the cultures of the Philippines. On the other hand, my actual body became weak so every time I get nervous or tried to concentrate for my subjects in CSB, I could not focus and had to take grate amount of medicines or pills to let the pain out. But it was not working at all to me. My grades were getting decreasing and I could not get along with anyone or socializing with other people because of the sickness that I had. I needed twice as much effort than the others and still I tried the best I could. Despite my best efforts, my grades were not that good enough compared to the effort I put in. As a result, I felt miserable and sad because, I fall short of my parents and my expectations. So I decided to go back to Korea for get some rest for my exhausted mind, curing my weak body, also study the subjects that I need for my university life in CSB. Since I went back to Korea, I made myself as a busy person. As soon as I arrived, I tried to help the people out, such as volunteering activities, did some soul searching, became an interpreter for a university fair, and received better score of English efficiency (IELTS) as well as learning various subjects for my future college life. Read the materials I had from my stint with CSB just to keep myself in touch with topics related to business and not be rusty just in case I get