
Time Management in College

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The rest of the college life that give us a lot of extra time to manage our time by ourselves. That I never imagine when I studied in high school. It means that we should have more sense of responsibility to enrich the time with the value activities, because some extracurricular activities play an important role for our all-round development. So time management is a very important skill in the college life. Then we can complete the assignments and manage the rest of college effectively. Time management is a college skill that help student finish their work and achieve the goal. So we have to know what we exactly want. The goal that helps you remind why you’re going through such hard working process. When you work for yourself, it's easy to spend a whole day and accomplish nothing of value. This always happens when you are not clear about what it is your goal. Every student have the problem about why they always don’t have enough time to complete the assignment. That is also relating to how we manage our time. However, I will create a daily plan, such using the break between classes that finishing the homework or doing the research for the paper. In the article “ 20 Quick Tips For Better Time Management” by Celestine Chua, “ The plan gives you a good overview of how the day will pan out. That way, you don’t get caught off guard. Your job for the day is to stick to the plan as best as possible.” I agree with it because if we already have a plan, we will never miss any task of college. I believe that most of the students like to finish the homework until the last minute, like me. Under this circumstance, we cannot be sure that the quality of assignments. Also, we lose the chance to check it back. There is a way to manage the time is that know your assignment deadlines and make a plan to finish early. I think that every student should know when do you have to finish your tasks. So, we need to set a time limit to remind our

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