A 7 year old boy usually likes to play in the playground at a recess hour on his regular school days. One day while he was enjoying playing with others children, a group of his friends were harassing and using awkward words with him. Because he had a stepfather who had different ethnicity, they would tell him that he was a child whose his biological father walked away from his life heartlessly. Ever since he encountered this statement from his friends, many things changed this curious young boy’s life significantly. What has happened to his life after all? This story became a bullying situation, which is very hard to accept by someone like this innocent boy. What is bullying? Bullying is an intimidating unwanted, verbal, aggressive behavior between school aged children involving practical power of discrimination. In my opinion, I think public school should create a zone free of bullying discrimination because this behavior has created a great deal of negative effects of emotional and low self- esteem, mental health issues and a huge impact on education at home and school among youngsters and teen-agers. One important negative outcome of bullying is contributing to emotional and low self-esteem problems. It doesn’t matter if you are children, teens or adult; whether you are at school or workplace, you might experience bullying from someone who is the same age or older than you depending on the environment, and different types of intimidation. According to the American Society for Positive Care of Children, a recent study in the Journal of the” American Medical Association”, “each day in the U.S., an average of over 5,400 suicide attempts by young people grades 7-12. Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs. Kids who are bullied are more than twice as likely to consider suicide.”(Americanspcc.org).Some teens tend to feel weak when experiencing this type of harassment. They feel loneliness and frightened. If they want to discuss it with their family or friends, they might be afraid and shamed to tell someone, and they tend to stay away from society. All these effects cause reactions in themselves and others. In parents’ view, they might think that there is nothing wrong with their child or children. In fact, this problem cannot be ignored because this can lead to suicide thoughts, which most parents do not want them to experience. When teens have been bullied, all negative thoughts in their mind are possible. Low self- assurance forms a negative perspective of loving and caring from their families and friends. They might not think that there is one who loves and cares about them; thus, they can put their lives in a dangerous situation, which sometimes they might want to kill themselves to solve all the problems resulting from nasty words, threats or physical abuse which they receive from a bullying person. This is a serious problem which happens today in some public schools environments. Besides emotion and low self-esteem, mental problem is another important harmful factor which is caused by bullying. As far as psychological concerns bullied victims are exposed to depression and anxiety situations. For instance, he or she might experience unhappiness because a person who is bullying to other persons might say some words that are very impolite to make them feel bad. For example, H