Social media is an important aspect in our world today. Every one interacts with technology on a daily basis that is run by the media. The media is easily influencing people by what they see regardless of weather they choose to admit it or not. The media is influencing you every where, like the news, music, television, and most importantly celebrities. They influence you on your every day activities. Ever since the technology started to become more advanced, people have looked up to others that they see on the television screen and start to view them as role models. Who would not want to be the hero that saves everyone in a movie? The more popular the specific media, the more likely people are to be influenced. One good example of a holiday that recently passed is Halloween. People dress up as things they are not. Some people dress to be scary, other people dress to amuse people, but the costumes are usually based on things seen on television that are popular and everyone has a general idea of who they are. Cigarettes did not get popular until right around the start of World War 1. When cigarettes first started getting popular, the first target consumer were males of all ages. Once the sales of cigarettes began to slow down, right around the start World War 2, cigarettes changed their target consumers to influence woman to start smoking cigarettes also (Breslow 451). Cigarette companies used multiple techniques in producing ad’s to attract more consumers and simply used female celebrities to help change their target consumer. This just goes to show that cigarette media can be used to influence both genders. If it was that easy to change their media to attract more consumers, then they can target any audience. I noticed in movies that were released prior to 2000, movies would use celebrities and film them smoking cigarettes. Producers would film the celebrity smoking cigarettes to give off a somewhat mysterious but cool kind of pers