Popular music has a negative effect on adolescents by influencing reckless behaviors, by glorifying and encouraging them.The lyrical content also displays unrealistic ideas of success. Liking a certain type of music could be associated with certain behaviors. Research on popular music has explored the negative effects it has on schoolwork, social interactions, and mood (Fuld, 2009). Due to the difficult transitions youth face while maturing, they tend to rely heavily on music to reinforce, or alter their moods (Van Der Zwaag et al., 2012). The amount of time listening to music also becomes an influential factor on their everyday behavior. It is estimated that by the twelfth grade, teens spend as much time listening to music and watching music videos, as they have spent in school (Zillmann and Gan, 1997). Preference for heavy metal, rap, and related genres tend to increase the likelihood of risky behaviors compared to others. Examples of such behaviors include increased abuse of substances, poor grades, and lack of education commitment (Fuld, 2009). In the mid-80s, heavy metal artists, Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest, were put on trial for influencing teenagers to commit suicidal behaviors (Nantais, 2000). Adolescents who are feeling isolated due to personal failures tend to stick to these types of music, which might reflect their pessimistic view on life. Music also tends to define teenage peer groups. They are in the midst of growing up and finding themselves, so music helps youth feel like they’re a part of a group; groups provide a sense of belonging. Thus, lifestyle and fashion interests tend to shift according to their musical taste. For instance, one's behaviour may change if there is an increased interest in hard rock. The fan may go along with preexisting attitudes and stereotypes of a, “bad boy”, resulting in smoking, rebelling, etc. An example of a change in behaviour due to an increased interest in heavy metal would be capturing the more superficial traits pertaining to their look or style. They may begin to change their physical appearance with clothing, hair styles, piercings, and tattoos to fit into the grunge, “metal head,” stereotype. Even a change in language such as increased cursing, or perso