"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair," is form of poetry, sung by The Eagles. At the time of its release, The Eagles were riding high in the music world, experiencing material success on a frightening level. Though they thoroughly enjoyed the money, drugs, and women fame threw their way, they were disquieted by it all, and sought to pour that sense of unease into their music. They wanted to warn others about the dark underside of such adulation. “Hotel California,” by The Eagles is a poem because it contains symbolism, metaphor, and diction. Hotel California is one of the most popular songs of all time, and most people do not even know its true meaning. Lyrics in songs should be explored, so listeners can have a better grasp of what they are listening to. There is a lot of symbolism in this song. Furthermore, the song is about a hotel from California, and a rock and roll band partying. The song meant many different things in the 1970’s. Hotel California had many interpretations, such as referring to a mental hospital in California, and never being able to get out. The song was also thought to be a devil worshipping song about Anton Lavey, who was notorious for converting people to Satanism. Additionally, it was thought to be about the dark underbelly of the American, dream and excess in America. “So I called up the Captain, 'Please bring me my wine,'” The Captain could refer to the head of the spirits, who are managing this strange after-life place. Symbolism is an artistic and poetic style of using images and indirect suggestions to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. In the first context, it has an upbeat connotation as the traveler is weary and the shelter is welcome. The part where he writes about, “1969,” has a meaning of Christian Numerology. Therefore, while the number 19 talks about spiritual guidance, eternal life, and salvation, the number 69 refers to a symbolic representation of