
How America Grows

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Yesterday, President Obama addressed the Nation after having a private meeting with corporate leaders as well as members of the Senate, and announced what could be greatest step taken by the United States since the Revolutionary War. “Since the early 2000’s,” said President Obama, “American companies have been outsourcing to countries like China and India, and I am glad to announce that in this short period of time we have managed to successfully move more than 2.4 million American jobs overseas;” the public cheered. “This Nation was founded on the belief that the country should be run by The People and for The People, and since this outsourcing movement, or ‘off-shoring’ as it is widely known, has had such a great support from you, from The People of this Country, from America, we have decided to take the next step! I feel privileged to be the one to announce that starting tomorrow we will no longer be The United States of America. We will go back to being a colony!” at first, the public was confused and angry, but then President Obama clarified what he really meant, “No, no, no, do not worry! We will not go back to Britain instead we will become a colony of China.” The public cheered again with even more excitement. “China is the change we had been waiting for!” he concluded. This is a milestone decision that will greatly improve the condition of us all, Americans. Of course, there’s always people that will go against the greatest ideas. Some of the arguments include that our Founding Fathers fought to make us free and independent, that we have been fighting to bring freedom to other countries, and that we must keep our American pride and traditions. However, after analyzing the advantages of becoming a Chinese colony, these arguments would look insignificant. Consider this for a second: if we become a Colony of China, we won’t have to produce anything anymore. Besides, we have already been doing this fo

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