The basic question one can have is, ‘What is the meaning of Humanities?” As said by Sarah, “The humanities are the study of what makes us human, of what it means to be human” (Churchwell, page 1). Humanities protect certain parts of our life which incorporates of understanding the human presence in the universe. In contrast, that one disagree that it is not necessary to study humanities, it present that one’s humanity is being devalued, and affects all the ways one can enhance their life, and be able to learn to have creative ideas and think critically. For an individual to get an education is not only a preparation for the first job after graduating, it also a lesson on how to improve long-term abilities, namely, critical analysis, thinking, and how to be creative in one’s ideas. The Statement, “ literature, history, art, music, languages, theatre, film – and yes, television and computer games - are the stories and ideas through which we express humanity” (Churchwell, page 1). The statement presents that literature, history, art, music, language, theatre, and film are branches of humanities. The value of humanities needs to be acknowledged by every individual in the world, self-preservation is a quality that an every individual acquires from birth in order to preserve themselves from harm and death, therefore this essay will provide an individual as to why studying humanities is important, the current social issues of devaluing of humanities, and finally how humanities disciplines can be a great value. The article ‘Why the humanities matter’ by Sarah Churchwell, offers an accurate explanation as to why an individual should study humanities. Through studying about humanities, we as human beings are being able to acknowledge who we are and the world we live in, by the stories that are being told. “The humanities are where we locate our own lives, our own meanings; they embrace thinking, curiosity, creating, psychology, emotion” (Churchwell