The world has experienced a whirlwind of new developments and advancements in every corner of study. In less than two hundred years, the world has astonishingly developed faster than it has several hundred years prior. With the immergence of the 1900s, there has been an impressive development in technology, education, economics and politics. A certain program in which the government and technology have strongly invested in is that of military spending. This military spending is an example of where a vast amount of money goes to and this designation changes all the time; either in a reduction or an increase in spending. There has been discussion on whether or not spending obscene amounts of money on the military programs and specifically the defense budget set out for countries and whether or not it is as beneficially as it should be. In the most recent years it can be said that military expenditure has been continuously on the rise due to the ongoing wars. This can be looked at positively. This increase in spending can be seen as beneficial for a country’s economy in many ways; it provides new jobs for many people, in which can further lead to country’s investing resources such as time and money into the technological advancements in military weapons for protection against potential threats. This paper will analyze and prove that military expenditures found within the United States has led to a reduction in domestic and international reliance which can be demonstrated by looking at the spending habits of Russia and China. Concentrating on these countries and mentioning several others will demonstrate that the declining hegemonic power of the United States is clearly evident. All of these factors contribute to the over all reduction of power of the United States that will ultimately lead to a bigger economic, social and political collapse. Military expenditures are evident and beneficial to countries in providing protection but may result in negative effects, which may not even, be just the aftermath of wars going on. Funding the military has been a been apart of history since the beginning of civilization; the trends that war take show that people are given opportunities to fight for anything and everything to attain power over the opposition for what each side strongly believes in. By looking at the past, wealth has been put towards different sectors during times of war that have even provided many jobs for the citizens. An example of this is by taking a look at the “early seventies, 20% of the world’s scientists and engineers were employed in the military sector. This figure has been estimated to be much higher during the height of the Cold War” (Gideon, Rosenbluth, 456). The contribution and spending that the government puts focus on does undeniably during these times do somehow create economic growth, whether it is through manufacturing military uniforms, supplies required for military aid or arsenal weapons. By spending this money in this sector, it does create jobs and help contribute towards an economic growth of a country. However, the complications that have risen when looking at the negative effects of military spending, largely have to do with the lack of attention that should be focused on the basic necessities of citizens, and less money available for programs that are outside of military; including political, social and environmental programs that require an equal amount of attention rather then solely increasing in military spending. The main reason for increased spending of a country’s military system is to provide protection and to provide a country with a higher national defense capability. The unfortunate is that the current economic statuses of countries around the world have drastically changed within the last ten years and have in turn affected many citizens and countries across the globe; many have suffered, and few have prospered. Since the atrocities of the 9/11 attacks, the United States has launched their War on Terror which in turn has lead to a drastic increase in their defense spending in the United States; “the defense budget in 2008 including the spending for the global war on terror was around $600 billion or 6.2% of the GDP” (Chang T. et. Al, 2001). Despite the small percentage of 6.2% when considering the GDP of the United States as a whole, it is an immense amount of money. Through Appendix A, a sudden spike will occur in military spending whenever a major conflict arises globally. Examples of these sudden spikes are during the 60’s and 70s when the Vietnam was occurring, and then the military expenditures that have been continuous ever since the attacks of 9/11; and have been at an increasing rate due to the War on Terror the Americans appear to be concerned about. The numbers that the American budget is directed towards with the military and their defense budged is a higher one than initially one can perceive. Due to the United States increase of mi