Childhood obesity is at a fast-growing rate among American children since two decades ago. Children that are obese are having overweight problems, including instance diabetes, poor body image, cardiovascular disease, and there can be a risk of depression. A child’s diet consists of eating large amounts of sugary foods and fast foods. When a child’s weight reaches roughly about 20% in excess body weight in the child’s age group and height group the child is then considered obese. Excess body weight is measured in body mass index referred to as the BMI test. The BMI test can examine the individual’s height and weight and the test can tell what the person’s body weight should be for the age and height group the individual is in. Childhood obesity is the result of eating too many calories and not getting enough exercise to burn the calories off. Child obesity occurs when a child is above his or her normal weight average. Obesity is the abnormal excessive amount of fat in the adipose tissue area to the degree that the child’s health can be at risk. Obesity is a major concern in today’s society and it can harm a child’s life and health. The problems that need to be addressed are what causes obesity, what medical problems are associated with obesity, what children are eating and drinking that makes them obese, how it affects the child, and how child obesity can be prevented or reduced. In some countries obesity is widespread where most people have the financial means to buy food, have an array of food supply, and obtain little exercise. Child obesity is the result of unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, genetics and hereditary factors. Children are overweight for a mixture of reasons. The most common causes of childhood obesity are having a sedentary lifestyle, dietary issues, and genes. Being overweight can further cause hormonal problems in children. When a child’s family and friends are overweight the child has an increased risk of being overweight. A child’s diet and a child’s physical activity is a very important role when it comes to the child’s weight. Most children spend a fourth of the day doing one of two things. The first is watching TV and the second is playing video games. Considering that technology is more high tech and more popular then what it was two decades ago, the amount of inactivity among children has increased dramatically since that time. Childhood obesity is a big factor of children eating unhealthy foods and not getting enough nutrition in their bodies. A child consumes roughly around four to six snacks a day, consisting of junk food and high-calorie snacks. Children are consuming more energy-dense foods and drinking more carbonated sugar drinks each day. Energy-dense foods are the energy value of a food in relation to the food’s weight. Children that are malnourished are in a state of health that occurs when a bodies is improperly nourished. Some fat is essential for good health but having an excessive amount of fat can result in health problems. Fatty foods are more energy-dense than foods tha