During the course of the court experience, I decided to pick the court that would interest me the most. Seeing as I want to pursue a career with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), I found that drug court obviously would be the best bet for me. However, after sitting through the allotted time required, my experience wasn’t exactly what I expected. I have parents that work for the government, so I have sat through court experiences and even some trials with some more serious offenders. Yet I’m excited after the fact because I like seeing what type of processes I may or may not have to go through. One of the main differences between my original thoughts about how my court experience was going to go and how it actually turned out was the time amount. I was expecting the court to actually go thru many details and elaborate on certain points. Instead it turned out to be the offender was charged with a certain offense, guilty as charged, “bang” the mallet smacked the desk and we were on to the next one. Yet it was all seemingly faster paced then I expected. It was almost like every case was more of a plea bargain deal and it was like rapid fire, one after the other. The judge seemed to know what was going to happen before it even had a chance to start, then it was over. The second thing that caught my attention builds of my first point, dealing with the time. Almost every single one of the cases that was dealt with while I was there seemed to be minor offenses, or petty crimes. There were a select few dealing with your more serious drugs depending on the amount of certain drugs being used, but nothing would have shocked you or caught your attention. No one was sentenced to prison time, none of the cases needed federal regulations obviously, seemingly all of these things made the process move at a much faster pace. Mostly all of the crimes ended up being some kind of fine to pay, probationary periods, very minor sentencing’s for the