
A Personal Experience with Fear

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Fear is one of the strongest human emotions and a great motivator. Fear is what motivates us to get an education, to get a job, and to get married. We fear not being able to get a job so we get an education, we fear being alone so we marry, we fear dying alone so we have children who will love us until the day we part from this world. Without fear what would our lives be like and how would we act. I have fear in my life everyday, when I go to work it’s there, when I come home it’s there. I work in the Pikeville Medical Center Surgery Department, and I see and feel fear everyday of my life. When I hear over the load speaker “trauma alert priority one” my heart hits the floor, because that could be one of my family members. Whenever were working on someone else’s family member that fear is there, so fear is a daily activity in my life. Fear will always be there, and fear is a motivator it will get you through some of the toughest times in your life, even when you don’t think you can go on. Back in 2013, fear hit me like a ton of bricks, and I didn’t know how I would take care of my family. I found out in June 2013, that I was laid off from the mining industry, and my world came crashing down right on top of me. I didn’t know what to do, and mining was all I knew, how else would I provide for my family. I enrolled in school, and decided to make a career change, but not without fear. I hadn’t been to school in years, and I was scared to death. Well, this is my fourth semester of school so far, and fear is still there. However, my journey has just began, and I’m now pursuing my degree in Criminal Justice. I’m so fearful everyday that something is going to happen, and I’m not going to get my degree, or something is going to happen to my job. Fear just consumes your life, and I think the more it consumes you the more you just press on and succeed. (Psalm 23:4) Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of d

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