Many of people have tried drinking alcohol at an early age in life. As a child we are taught by our parents and other adults not to drink, because we were not old enough. As a result, the government, school boards, teachers, and parents have shown and told young adults about the ill effect of drinking while underage. Over the years there still has been an issue with underage drinking in America. The fact that anyone who is of age to join and fight in the military for this country should be able to partake in all the rights this country has to offer including drinking alcohol. In America we treat alcohol as if it is a mystery, a rite of passage into adulthood. It would be healthier if we changed our perception of drinking. If we taught young ones from an early age to respect alcohol and drink responsibly we would not have all the problems that relate to alcohol. Therefore, they will have a deeper sense of respect when it comes to the consumption of alcohol. Most elders seem to think that around the time they were growing up twenty-one was the appropriate age for being called an official adult. At that time it also seemed fair that the drinking of alcohol should be at that age of twenty-one as well. Many Americans feel that if a young adult starts drinking at an early age it could interfere with the development of the brain. This can cause depression, memory loss, violence, and in some cases suicide. Some feel that if you decrease the legal drinking age, it will allow a greater segment of the population which will not be a safe environment. Lowering the drinking age could possibly invite more use of illicit drugs. Some say this would increase the number of teens who drink which could lead to teens who use other drugs. To this fact people felt like the age twenty-one was the age to be more mature or responsible for life's journey. On the other hand, we live in the time where some feel that if you can move out on your own, vote, and buy c