
Art Review - Jesus and His Friends

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This artwork, by Everett Moseley, is named “Jesus and His Friends.” I decided to choose Moseley’s artwork because it is a parody of the famous artwork, “Last Supper.” The original artwork “Last Supper,” was painted by the infamous artist Leonardo da Vinci. Because the painting “Jesus and His Friends” is the parody of “Last Supper,” I was able to recognize the painting and feel more familiar with the painting. Although the two painting is based on the same biblical event, there are differences among the two paintings. First of all, I received the feeling of happiness in the painting of “Jesus and His Friends.” The Original art “Last Supper” however, has the atmosphere full of sadness and remorse. Similar to the title “Last Supper,” the painting depicted Jesus’s last supper with his disciples before Jesus’s incarceration by the Roman soldiers. In Contrast, Moseley’s depiction of “Last Supper” includes laughter and smiles among both Jesus and his disciples. Another different quality of Mosely’s painting is the quality of “round-faced” of all the 13 individuals. Although I do not fully understand Mosely’s intentions behind “round-faced” individuals, I am attracted to his comical portrayal of the acclaimed biblical event. Also in the painting “Jesus and His Friends,” Moseley decided to use different colors on the table. In da Vinci’s original painting, the color of the table is portrayed white due to the white cloth; however, in Mosely’s “Jesus and His Friends,” the color of the table is blue. At first, the blue-colored table seemed odd to me, but when incorporating the color’s psychology into the overall atmosphere of the painting, everything seems to fit in perfectly. The color of blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. When applying blue’s symbolism to the painting’s atmosphere, it makes sense why the 13 individual

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