Customs and traditions are specific for every nation, varying or constantly changing actions of the people, connected with honoring the gods, holy martyrs, national heroes, nature, people’s health, chasing away of malignant spirits etc. People have passed on stories connected with them for generations, in which way they keep the national culture and heritage alive. One of the most popular holidays among the English-speaking countries is Halloween. It is celebrated at the end of October and commemorates the end of the summer. The ancient Celts chose November 1 as their new year, what they call “Samhain”. By the beginning of November the harvest has ended and the cold, dark winter, which has always been associated with death among the northern folk, is brooding. They believed that in the night before the new year the border between the living and the dead opens and the shadows of the people who have passed away within the last year wander the earth, searching for living bodies in which to live. To protect themselves from the Shadows, the people would put out the fires in the fireplaces and would make themselves look as scary as possible; they would do costumes made of animal skins and heads, hoping to scare away the apparitions. For the spirits they would leave food, so that they could eat and not insist to enter the house. The people themselves would gather around fires, which were lighted by the Druid priests. At these gatherings, they would make predictions for the winter and gave animals as sacrifice. At the end of the gathering everyone would take a live coal from the fire and light his fireplace at home with it. In the year 853 C.E. Pope Bonifici confirmed November 1 as All Saints’ Day, a day to honor all Christian saints and martyrs. Later, in the year 1000 C.E., the Church declared November 2 as All Souls Day, during which not the souls of saints, but of plain people were honored. During the eleventh century C.E., the pope declared that on November 2 the holiday of All Souls’ Day shall be celebrated. The people, however, celebrated the church’s All Souls’ Day just like the heretic with great outdoor fires, festivities and carnivals. After years the traditions of these three holidays – All Saints’ Night, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day (check translation of names) were combined into one – Hallowe’en, which would later start to be called Halloween. The main personages of Halloween are ghosts, magicians, witches, black cats, skeletons with skulls, etc. the costumes are the dominant in the holiday.