Marijuana has always been a conflicting matter. Many will go to lengths to say it is just a plant; while others will go to great lengths to stop the legalization of marijuana. For those that say it is just a plant are those that see the other side of the plant. The side of marijuana that has strains in it to help cure diseases. However, on the other hand for those that see the harm of marijuana. All in all the main struggle is not marijuana in itself but the process of making the understanding of marijuana known to legalize. When California first legalized medical marijuana in 1996 was when the legal pot business starting booming. People from all over the country and world were heading out west to trying to get in this multi-billion dollar industry. I believe in this medicinal uses of marijuana and hear stories of how this plant was the only thing that helped treat their illness. A lot of people think this is absolutely insane, but doctors are recommending marijuana to children with illnesses. Some would say you are giving kids drugs, but the pharmaceuticals that these doctors shove down these kids throats are more than likely a lot worse than a plant, that has literally not killed anyone from using it. Marijuana continues to help people and is growing in popularity as an alternative to heavy prescription drugs. Also some don’t want to smoke it and that is perfectly fine and understandable. You can vaporize your marijuana, use it to cook with so you just have to eat it, turn it into an extract, or make it into a topical like a lotion. Many people are just misinformed about this plant and its healing powers. I hope in the future that the public will learn about marijuana and not stereotype it to “Mexican Drug Cartels”, and think of it more as a drug in which your doctor would prescribe. The United States is surely more accepting than it was when California first passed the proposition. As you can see almost half of the states in our country have some kind of medical marijuana program, and two of those states and completely legalized it for recreational use to any persons twenty-one years of age or older. This industry is growing and bringing in revenue that some people never thought was even possible. This money could bring down our national debt substantially over a few years. It could be used for education, health care, and many other causes that need financing in this country. Also not to mention local and state governments would also would generate revenue that could create more city jobs, fix roads, and essentially help build their economy. Medical marijuana should be legalized and regulated for patients that need and benefit from the use of it, also all the revenue that can be generated from this medicine, due to all the different kinds of business in the industry is another benefit that can help our economy. Medical marijuana is a money maker for the local and state governments which allow patients in those counties or states to possess it. An article from The Economist Newspaper observes that Brendan Kennedy is taking a leap of faith and starting to invest in the medical marijuana business. The marijuana business has been in America for decades and Kennedy believes it to be a $50 billion industry. People like Kennedy are helping the business come out in public providing finance that you wouldn’t be able to get at your average bank. Kennedy and his partners opened what is called a Privateer Holdings fund after concerns about legal liabilities in other types of his past funds. Kennedy claims that “The Privateer Fund has received over 200 investor pitches” (The Economist Newspaper 1), as of November 2012, and privately raised $7 million to help fund medical marijuana businesses trying to come up in the industry. Compan