Paul is passionate about the mountains and rock climbing very young. He has a degree in biology (UCV ) and also performed in Canada, a Diploma in Adventure Tourism Thompson Rivers University , British Columbia. He is a founding member of the Venezuelan Association of Instructors and Mountain Guides ( AVIGM ) . He explained that he was specialized in Los Andes Mountains from Chile to Venezuela. The talk was amazing, starting with the explanation of adventure tourism. Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveller should expect the unexpected. Sometimes we believe that being a guide tourist is something very easy, but the reality is that it is very difficult to achieve a licence for it. Also, the equipment required for it is very costly and it is very important to have the necessarily tools because we don’t know what would happened when practicing this type of tourism. Furthermore, something that was very impressive about this talked was the way how many knowledge is required to being an adventure guide. It is not only knowing about mountains , it is important also to have some knowledge of first aids, leadership, entertainment, how to act in unexpected circumstances, pre-planning, commitment and preparation because it involves a lot of risk. Because of these difficulties, being an adventure tourist guide is a difficult duty and it’s possible as a career considering the increase of demand of adventure tourism. The qualities an adventure guide have to have is being a cultured person with a lot of technical credibility and inspirations, knowledge about nature, etc. Another quality is that it should be tolerant because every person is different. Also is very important to offer a good service. Service is the point which will determine if someone will recommend you or not. People need to feel that they are in good hands, that they make a right selection choosing you