Fast food tastes amazing, but we don’t really know what it does to our bodies. We believe that the only negative consequence from fast food is obesity. When in reality there are many other negative consequences cause by fast food. Fast food does not only causes obesity, it also causes, an increase percentile in developing Type 2 diabetes, cardiac events, and oddly enough it also chances of depression. This are only a few examples cause by junk food. Society needs to realize the harms and the effects that junk food has on the human body, and on how it affects our every day lives. Even from the simplest things they can become very changeling after developing one of this health problems. Fast food has had the greatest impact on increasing obesity around the world. It is something that many people in society it’s true. Recent studies have shown that, yes, fast food does have a greater calorie intake than must food. A study conducted by Anderson and Watson on 2011 showed that people that eat at home tend to be more overweight, than people that eat at fast food restaurants. This means that obesity is not direly linked to junk food. It is said that when people eat at home, they get most of their calories from junk food, or tend to eat more than their required calorie intake needed. Researchers also tested how the income affects the amount of junk food people buy. They found that people with lower incomes buy more junk food, than people with a higher income. The reason is because junk food in America has become more affordable than healthy food. According to the article “How does obesity causes diabetes?” on the Giam life website, multiple medical researchers have found direct links between junk food and the onset of Diabetes. “Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produces insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces”(Patrick Cunningham, “Type 2 diabetes a case study” pg.1). In other words obesity occurs your body cannot keep up with the insulin being produce by your pancreas, or the body is not producing it. By eating junk food we cause our pancreas to produce more insulin, and it makes it hard for the digestive system to keep up with digesting the insulin. Junk food has created an upward in diabetes all over the United States. Diabetes may not develop right after eating junk food, but in the long run consumers